Thursday, 15 August 2013

Contradicting views on future of corporate culture -

Change ManagementContradicting views on future of corporate culture: functionally driven variations vs consistent corporate-wide.


Extract from strategy+business – Paul Michelman:

I’ve seen two strong theories about the future of corporate culture recently. Both are compelling, and each comes to a very different conclusion. In other words, we have all the ingredients for a debate.

The first argument: Many variations of culture should exist within an organization.

Of all the topics you might expect Eric Ries to riff on, corporate culture does not immediately spring to mind. Ries is the author of The Lean Startup and an expert on entrepreneurship and product development. As he argues it, the link between innovation and culture is hard to ignore. If companies—particularly large and mature ones—expect to adopt the sustainable approaches to innovation that Ries believes are critical to their survival, they need to forget about having a consistent set of norms across the full enterprise. Instead, they need strong cultures for their various professional functions.

Ries’s argument about culture derives from his larger belief that different functions in the organization require different forms of management. The part of the organization that develops new products and launches new lines of business, for example, should not be held to the same set of standards as units that manage mature and stable lines. The same should be true of their cultures.

According to Ries, a healthy innovation-focused culture will …


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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Importance of risk management in restoring post-crash confidence -

businesscontinuityminiImportance of risk management in restoring post-crash confidence: some progress made but more work still needed.


Extract from Economist Intelligence Unit – Management Thinking:

To assess the progress and shortcomings of financial institutions in meeting new regulatory requirements the Economist Intelligence Unit polled 350 senior-level executives at financial services firms in March 2013.  The survey, sponsored by Protiviti posed questions about their firms risk management defenses before and after the crisis.  Most respondents hailed from Western Europe and North America, with the bulk of the remainder in the Asia-Pacific and Eastern Europe.  Those polled represent the main financial industry sub-sectors, with about half in banking, nearly one quarter in insurance and the balance in capital markets and private investment funds.  The survey finds that just a small minority of respondents rate their risk management systems as fundamentally sound over the crisis.  Yet increased regulatory pressure ranks as their greatest risk management priority.   Survey results also single out actions taken since the crisis to shore up risk management defenses, and obstacles that impede such efforts, including resource shortages.  But, respondents noted, compliance brings many benefits including better operational efficiency and customer assurance.

You can download the full report here.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Don"t forget to implement your new strategy -

portfoliomanagementminiDon’t forget to implement your new strategy: become more focused on implementation by creating culture of execution.


Extract from Knowledge@Wharton:

When it comes to executing strategy, the old saying “the devil is in the details” holds true for many companies, according to Wharton emeritus management professor Lawrence G. Hrebiniak.  While executives may readily participate in the development of new strategies, execution tends to get short shrift, because it is often viewed as a lower-level task or concern, he notes.  In the following interview, Hrebiniak — who just published the second edition of his book, Making Strategy Work: Leading Effective Execution and Change — explains why it’s critical for firms to create a “culture of execution” in order to succeed.

An edited version of the conversation appears below ….

More …

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