Friday, 26 April 2013

Saving species from extinction -

businesstransformationminiSaving species from extinction: inspirational video from Aardman Animations, Stephen Fry and Alistair McGowan.


Extract from Recent Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Email:

So, what’s this all about?

Well, it’s a cartoon by Aardman Animations (of Wallace and Gromit fame) with Stephen Fry playing a frog and Alistair McGowan impersonating a dodo! You’ll probably laugh… you may cry, but we hope you’ll be left with an idea of just how important it is to join us on our mission of saving species from extinction!

Click to watch the video

So, why is this important?

‘When asked, as I frequently am, why I should concern myself so deeply with the conservation of animal life, I reply that I have been very lucky and that throughout my life the world has given me the most enormous pleasure.

But the world is as delicate and as complicated as a spider’s web. If you touch one thread you send shudders running through all the other threads. We are not just touching the web, we are tearing great holes in it.’

Gerald Durrell 1925-1995.

More …

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